Wolfgang Frisch Lawyer in Kaiserslautern Born in the Kaiserslautern area Wolfgang Frisch has practiced for more than 40 years overall as a lawyer in Kaiserslautern and has his own law firm in the town center. Besides German, he can provide legal representation in English and French, and when working together closely with an interpreter and translator also for Russian speaking clients.

We have clients from large and small companies as well as individuals. Everyone is advised intensively and individually by lawyer Wolfgang Frisch himself. Examples of some of his areas of activity are: labor law, traffic law, inheritance law, family law and tenancy law.

Dear Ladies, dear Sirs,

hopefully I can look forward to a good and successful collaboration with You if You decide to let me solve your legal problems. Additionally I will do any necessary correspondence with Your legal costs insurance or other insurance issues.

Don´t hesitate to contact me if You need help.

Kind regards
Unterschrift von Wolfgang Frisch, der in Kaiserslautern als Rechtsanwalt praktiziert
Wolfgang Frisch

"Sehr kompetente und vor allem zum Erfolg führende Hilfe! Vielen Dank!"
Angestellter aus Frankfurt
"Sehr guter Rechtsanwalt. Kann ich nur empfehlen."
Unternehmer aus Winnweiler
"Herr Frisch verfügt über einen immensen Erfahrungsschatz, der in so manchen Fällen den nötigen Vorteil gegenüber seinen Kollegen brachte."
Unternehmer aus Kaiserslautern

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